Engaging emails bring in new business for law firms

-minute read

Engaging emails bring in new business for law firms

Written by
Jo Sharma
Published on
April 3, 2024

Email marketing is the unsung hero of new business for law firms. Because while the shiny new digital marketing channels have taken up so much airtime in conversations about advertising, quietly in the background e-marketing has consistently delivered one of the best returns on investment.

And that’s no surprise. In fact, the success of emails in delivering low-cost new business is attributable to one of the oldest foundations of advertising: Word of mouth. Because at the end of the day, email threads are just conversations, and if people like what you’re saying, they listen. 

53% of marketers say email has been the most effective channel for early-stage lead generation (Demand Gen Report, 2021), with message personalisation ranking as the number one tactic used by email marketers to improve performance (HubSpot, 2020).

There are no two ways about it, your list of email addresses for clients, potential clients and fellow industry travellers is a gold mine of new business leads if you dig around it in the right way. The key to creating new clients from email lists is the love, care, and attention you put into your message.

How law firms grow business with exceptional emails 

If law firms want to bring in new business leads by email, here’s the ‘top 5’ boxes to tick:

#1 - Set a clear goal

The key to success in email campaigns is talking to a specific group of people about a specific concern they have – then explaining how you can help.

#2 - Communicate clear value

When you’re sending emails to potential clients, you’re competing to stand out in a huge clutter – so the special value in yours needs to shout very loud.    

#3 - Approach with clear focus

There are so many fantastic reasons to engage your law firm it’s easy to get carried away blurting them all out in a brain splat. But emails should focus on one at a time. 

#4 - Offer a quality experience

To ensure the widest possible audience enjoy your email experience as expected, make sure your message delivers smoothly across different platforms and devices.  

#5 - Test & measure results 

Any email plan you implement will be a waste of resource if you don’t measure your results in real-time, then revise your strategy in response to what you see.

These are proven strategies to enhance your new lead generation through digital channels, founded on actions that you can literally start implementing tomorrow, for no cost except a bit of time.

To keep reading and learn more from a deeper dive into what your law firm should be doing to optimise new business opportunities online, please download the full White Paper: ‘Drumming Up New Clients For Law Firms’.

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Jo Sharma

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