Things to consider when creating Facebook ads for B2B

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Things to consider when creating Facebook ads for B2B

Written by
Jo Sharma
Published on
April 3, 2024

Ready to get started with Facebook ads? There are a few guidelines to keep in mind when you’re first dipping your toe into the world of Facebook Advertising. Just like any other advertising strategy, you need to know how to get the most out of your advertising budget.

The first step is to install the Facebook pixel. This will allow you to do things like target people who have already visited your website and see what people are doing once they click on your ad. If you use Google Chrome, you can also download the Facebook Pixel Helper which will turn green when your pixel is set up and working properly.

Here are some other things to consider when creating your ads:

Buyer’s Journey
One of the biggest differences between B2B and B2C advertising is the buyer’s journey. While a potential B2C customer may make an impulse decision to buy a necklace while scrolling on Facebook, B2B decisions will often take longer since more than one person will need to be convinced.

Knowledge Level
When you’re targeting decision-makers and business owners, you can assume that they have a high level of knowledge about your industry. To be taken seriously, you need to be able to instantly communicate that you’re an expert in your field and that you’ve got something useful to say. 

This will also increase your relevance in Facebook’s eyes, meaning that your ad will be shown to more people, driving engagement.

Mobile Usage
If there’s one thing to remember when you’re creating your Facebook ads, it’s this: Make sure they’re optimized for mobile. While you can choose to just create column ads, these will only show up on the right side of the page when your leads are using the desktop version of Facebook. These can definitely be useful, but if you only rely on column ads, you’re missing a massive chunk of your target audience. Business Goals
The type of Facebook ads you create will depend entirely on what it is that you want to achieve with Facebook advertising. Before you create your first ad, you need to firmly grasp your business goals and objectives- whether you’re aiming for consideration, awareness, or conversion.

If you’re hoping for brand awareness, the goal should be to show your business to people who are likely to relate to your brand and business. If, however, you’re hoping to increase reach, you’ll simply be aiming to show your ad to as many people as possible.

If you’re focused on the consideration step of the buyer’s journey, you may be hoping to increase the number of people who visit your Facebook page or website. You may be aiming to increase the number of times your app is installed, or get more interactions on Facebook. If your goal is lead generation, you may also want to collect information from potential leads.

Competitor’s Ads
Once you’ve chosen your goal for your campaign, you’ll know which type of ad will work best. Now is also a good time to look at what your competitors are doing. Consider how they’re targeting their ads and what type of ads they’re running. Pro tip: Click on a competitor’s Facebook page, scroll down to Page Transparency and cck Ads Library. This will allow you to see what other businesses in your industry are doing on Facebook so you can see what’s working, and how you can do it better.

Not sure how to get started with Facebook advertising? We’ve got you covered. Get in touch with the friendly team at Drum Digital to learn how we can help kickstart your Facebook advertising campaigns today.

Facebook ads for B2B Organisation
Jo Sharma

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